Summer League at Voice of America Park Turf Stadium
K  – 12 League ◊ Every Monday in June

Join us every Monday in June for fun evenings of lacrosse games at VOA Turf Stadium! These leagues are for individual registrations (not team) who have had 1 season of lacrosse! Early registration recommended as we will sell out! Full program info can be found here.

When: Every Monday evening in June
Where: Voice of America Park, West Chester OH – Turf Fields
Who: Boys grades 1 – 12 / Girls grades 5 – 12
Game Times: Start times will be at either 5 /  6 / 7 / 8 and will be set by mid May.
Cost: $125 for 5 games & reversible jersey


Adult League at Voice of America Park Turf Stadium
Women’s & Mens League 21+ ◊ Every Monday in June

Join us every Monday evening in June for adult lacrosse under the lights. We will have a women’s and men’s league for adults 21+ at VOA Turf Stadium.  Early registration recommended as we will sell out.

When: Every Monday evening in June
What: A “laid back” adult league for 21+ and older former lax stars looking to relive their glory days.
Time: 9:00 PM (Men on field 1, Women on field 2)
Where: Voice of America Park, West Chester OH – Turf Fields
Who: Adults , 21+
Cost: $115 for 5 games & reversible jersey